People who have been in a relationship for quite some time can usually tell when something isn’t right with their partner. If the problem is with the relationship, the other person may feel neglected, ignored, and unloved. Read the information below to learn three obvious signs that show he doesn’t love you anymore.
Acts Distant
People in loving relationships talk to each other about everything, and they want to spend as much time together as possible. When a person suddenly stops sharing information about their day and they don’t want to hang out with their partner, they’ve probably fallen out of love. When a partner seems to have time for everyone else’s needs but not yours, there’s most likely a problem with the relationship.
Ignores Calls
When a person calls or texts their partner, they expect that person to respond in a timely manner. When someone’s partner continually ignores their text messages and calls, this is another one of the signs he doesn’t love you anymore. People who love their partner get excited when they get a phone call or message from them, and they ignore this form of communication when they don’t have any feelings left for this person.
Neglects Feelings
When a person has a bad day, or they feel upset, having their partner around to talk to can help those feelings of despair. A person who no longer cares if their partner is hurting or anxious doesn’t wonder how they feel because they aren’t in love with this person anymore. When people have an affection for each other, they don’t want to see their partner in distress and they do everything they can to help their partner get through this difficult time.
If your partner’s actions tell you he isn’t in love with you anymore, take a long look at the relationship and decide if it’s worth saving. After thinking about the present situation, many people feel like it’s time for them and their partner to go their separate ways. Others who still have deep feelings for their partner want to make their relationship work. In this situation, it’s often time to figure out if they are doing things that make their partner pull away.